Great Spring turning to Summer

Spring has always been my most anticipated fishing season, and this year has been no exception.

I have been hooked on catching kingfish since about 5th grade and always look forward to their return to our waters in the spring and fall. This year several strong northerly cold fronts in early March kept them south a few weeks later than I would have thought, but since mid March we have had an exception run with fish averaging 15-lbs and many in the mid 20's and several over 30-lbs. We have had mixed good mixed bag bites on both artificial lures and live bait, catching kings, spanish, bonita, jacks, barracuda, sharks, and cobia. On several 6-hr grouper trips, every flat line bait put out was hit by kings. Having a king sky rocket on a bait 50' behind the boat and zinging 100 yards of line off the real is what it is all about!
Bottom fishing and has been excellent on both 6 and 8 hour trips. Limits of red grouper to 20lbs have been coming on trips beyond 100' of water.

Barracuda and amberjack are schooled up on the wrecks as well as big permit. Sharks are also being caught as well as some blackfin tuna on the flatlines.
Summer is near and I look foward to red snapper trips and saw my first pod of tarpon last week. Please call for a great trip!
It was great to fish with so many repeat customers from last years Spring Break and also meat some great new kids and families. I am blessed to do what I do and share my passion for gulf fishing with others.